Time for bed: Accelerated Signs of Aging
When we lay our heads to rest each night, there's much more going on than dreaming. Times of sleep are the body’s opportunity to repair the damage it sustains while we are about our business throughout the day. In times of slumber, the body’s level of human growth hormone, known as somatotropin, is increased, which aids in healing cells and tissue throughout your body, including your skin.
Our skin is constantly being taxed by various internal and external factors. Pollution, sun exposure, free radicals, poor diet, dehydration, and stress all negatively impact one of the body’s vital organs- our skin. When we sleep, our bodies are able to heal and our skin is allowed the chance to repair itself.
"Helleborus Niger/ Christrose" by Bernhard Freiss under CC by 2.0
Recent studies have shown that most of us aren't getting enough sleep at night. A recent report released by the CDC shows that roughly 30 percent of the work force misses out on around 2 hours of sleep per night. That’s a 10-hour sleep deficit by the end of our workweek. Considering this, it’s not difficult to imagine how that lack of rest shows up on our faces.
A 2013 study performed by Estee Lauder Foundation found a direct correlation between inadequate sleep and reduced skin health, as well as accelerated signs of aging. The study also found that poor sleepers recover more slowly from stressors to the skin, such as a blemish or sunburn. When we miss out on sleep, our skins ability to recover from the damage it incurs during the day is diminished and this has an affect on not only our skins health, but also its appearance.
“The good thing about the skin is that it recovers quickly,” explains New York City dermatologist Doris Day. Get a good night's sleep tonight and tomorrow, everyone will notice.